CMU Typewriter Text Font Family

Uploaded by zemin 𑁋 (29 Styles)


From Wikipedia: Computer Modern is the original family of typefaces used by the typesetting program TeX. It was created by Donald Knuth with his Metafont program, and was most recently updated in 1992. Computer Modern, or variants of it, remains very widely used in scientific publishing, especially in disciplines that make frequent use of mathematical notation.

As implied by the name, Computer Modern is a 'Didone', or modern serif font, a genre that emerged in the late 18th century as a contrast to the more organic designs that preceded them. Didone fonts have high contrast between thick and thin elements, and their axis of "stress" or thickening is perfectly vertical. Computer Modern was specifically based on the 10 point size of the American Lanston Monotype Company's Modern Extended 8A, part of a family Monotype originally released in 1896. This was one of many modern faces issued by typefounders and Monotype around this period, and the standard style for body text printing in the late nineteenth century.

In creating the TeX publishing system, Knuth was influenced by the history of mathematics and a desire to achieve the "classic style" of books printed in metal type. Modern faces were used extensively for printing mathematics, especially before Times New Roman became popular for mathematics printing from the 1950s.

The most unusual characteristic of Computer Modern, however, is the fact that it is a complete type family designed with Knuth's Metafont system, one of the few typefaces developed in this way. The Computer Modern source files are governed by 62 distinct parameters, controlling the widths and heights of various elements, the presence of serifs or old-style numerals, whether dots such as the dot on the "i" are square or rounded, and the degree of "superness" in the bowls of lowercase letters such as "g" and "o". This allows Metafont designs to be processed in unusual ways; Knuth has shown effects such as morphing in demonstrations, where one font slowly transitions into another over the course of a text. While it attracted attention for the concept, Metafont has been used by few other font designers; digital font designer Jonathan Hoefler commented that "Knuth's idea that letters start with skeletal forms is flawed" and Knuth commented "asking an artist to become enough of a mathematician to understand how to write a font with 60 parameters is too much."

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CMU Typewriter Text font preview

CMU Typewriter Text Regular Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Regular font

CMU Typewriter Text Light Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Light font

CMU Typewriter Text LightOblique Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text LightOblique font

CMU Typewriter Text Italic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Italic font

CMU Typewriter Text Bold Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Bold font

CMU Typewriter Text BoldItalic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text BoldItalic font

CMU Concrete Roman Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Concrete Roman font

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CMU Sans Serif Medium font

CMU Serif Upright Italic UprightItalic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Upright Italic UprightItalic font

CMU Typewriter Text Variable Width Medium Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Variable Width Medium font

CMU Serif Roman Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Roman font

CMU Bright Roman Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Bright Roman font

CMU Classical Serif Italic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Classical Serif Italic font

CMU Concrete Italic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Concrete Italic font

CMU Sans Serif Oblique Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Sans Serif Oblique font

CMU Typewriter Text Variable Width Italic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Typewriter Text Variable Width Italic font

CMU Serif Italic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Italic font

CMU Serif Extra RomanSlanted Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Extra RomanSlanted font

CMU Bright Oblique Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Bright Oblique font

CMU Sans Serif Demi Condensed DemiCondensed Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Sans Serif Demi Condensed DemiCondensed font

CMU Bright SemiBold Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Bright SemiBold font

CMU Bright SemiBoldOblique Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Bright SemiBoldOblique font

CMU Concrete Bold Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Concrete Bold font

CMU Sans Serif Bold Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Sans Serif Bold font

CMU Serif Bold Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Bold font

CMU Concrete BoldItalic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Concrete BoldItalic font

CMU Sans Serif BoldOblique Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Sans Serif BoldOblique font

CMU Serif BoldItalic Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif BoldItalic font

CMU Serif Extra BoldSlanted Ver 0.700 𑁋 Modified at Aug 29, 2012

CMU Serif Extra BoldSlanted font

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With this tool, you can easily copy your desired text in SVG format without the need to download the font. You can then paste it into design programs such as Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and edit it as needed. This user-friendly tool aims to simplify the process of copying text in SVG format, providing convenience and flexibility for your design projects. By utilizing this tool, you can seamlessly integrate your text into your designs and make desired modifications without the hassle of font downloads.
Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a service that allows you to fully customize your texts and visualize them in various formats. This user-friendly tool enables you to adjust font style, font size, background color, font color, and your text content.

Image Generator enables you to customize the background and font colors to make your texts visually appealing. You can choose your preferred colors or utilize color palettes to achieve specific color harmonies. This allows you to adjust your texts to reflect the identity of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats based on user preferences. The SVG format allows you to save your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of quality when resizing. The PNG format provides high-quality raster images. This allows you to obtain ideal outputs for using your designs on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.


This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied together with this font package in OFL.txt, and is also available with a FAQ at:

Converted by Andrey V. Panov from TeX fonts. Some glyphs are copied from Blue Sky fonts released by AMS.

Legal notice

Before using this font, please carefully check the information provided under the license heading. The texts under the license heading are automatically generated from the font itself and may sometimes be incomplete. It is your responsibility to research the license information regarding the usage rights of the font you have downloaded. Protecting the intellectual property rights of font creators is of great importance; using a copyrighted and commercial font for free is illegal.

At CufonFonts, we attach great importance to intellectual property rights. If you believe that this typeface violates copyright laws and is not legal, please inform us for the removal or revision of the typeface. The legal authority of the typeface can make a request by using the "Report Violation" button above.

You can also use the links below to check the legal or commercial status of this font;

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