Break Makers Font

Uploaded by Brionna Streich 𑁋 (1 Style)



Hello! We appreciate you checking out this font. Before you proceed, please review the following important information:

• This font is strictly for PERSONAL USE ONLY. It is not permitted for any commercial applications.
• If you need a commercial license, feel free to contact us at:
[email protected]
• Want to support us? Donations are always welcome and appreciated. You can send them via PayPal to:
[email protected]

Important Guidelines:
• This font is not allowed for commercial activities such as advertising, promotions, digital content (YouTube, films, videos), merchandise design, product packaging, or any other revenue-generating use without the appropriate license.
• Failure to comply with these terms may result in additional charges, up to 100 times the price of a regular license.
• Please be aware that we cannot process license purchases after unauthorized use is discovered. Make sure you have the correct license before using this font for commercial projects.
• Unsure about which license is right for you? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us at:
[email protected]

Explore more of our creations:
• Amorfa Type Studio
• Behance Portfolio

Thank you so much for your support! 😊


Halo! Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi dan tertarik dengan font ini. Sebelum melanjutkan, harap perhatikan beberapa informasi penting berikut:

• Font ini hanya untuk PENGGUNAAN PRIBADI. Tidak diperkenankan untuk digunakan dalam kegiatan komersial.
• Jika Anda membutuhkan lisensi komersial, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di:
[email protected]
• Ingin mendukung kami? Donasi Anda akan sangat kami hargai. Donasi dapat dikirimkan melalui PayPal ke:
[email protected]

Panduan Penting:
• Font ini tidak boleh digunakan untuk kegiatan komersial seperti iklan, promosi, pembuatan konten digital (YouTube, film, video), desain produk, kemasan, atau kegiatan lain yang bertujuan menghasilkan keuntungan tanpa lisensi yang sah.
• Pelanggaran terhadap ketentuan ini dapat dikenakan biaya tambahan hingga 100 kali harga lisensi reguler.
• Harap dicatat bahwa kami tidak memproses pembelian lisensi setelah penggunaan yang tidak sah terdeteksi. Pastikan Anda sudah mendapatkan lisensi yang benar sebelum menggunakan font ini untuk proyek komersial.
• Bingung tentang lisensi yang dibutuhkan? Jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami di:
[email protected]

Lihat lebih banyak karya kami:
• Amorfa Type Studio
• Portofolio Behance

Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan Anda! 😊

Supported Languages

Unicode Blocks

Break Makers font preview

Break Makers Regular Ver 1.000 𑁋 Modified at Jan 21, 2025

Break Makers Regular font

Type your text here
With this tool, you can easily copy your desired text in SVG format without the need to download the font. You can then paste it into design programs such as Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figma, and edit it as needed. This user-friendly tool aims to simplify the process of copying text in SVG format, providing convenience and flexibility for your design projects. By utilizing this tool, you can seamlessly integrate your text into your designs and make desired modifications without the hassle of font downloads.
Image Generator:
Customize and Visualize Your Texts!

Image Generator is a service that allows you to fully customize your texts and visualize them in various formats. This user-friendly tool enables you to adjust font style, font size, background color, font color, and your text content.

Image Generator enables you to customize the background and font colors to make your texts visually appealing. You can choose your preferred colors or utilize color palettes to achieve specific color harmonies. This allows you to adjust your texts to reflect the identity of your projects or brand.

Image Generator provides outputs in SVG and PNG formats based on user preferences. The SVG format allows you to save your texts as vector-based graphics, ensuring no loss of quality when resizing. The PNG format provides high-quality raster images. This allows you to obtain ideal outputs for using your designs on websites, social media platforms, or printed materials.


Freeware, Non-Commercial

©Amorfatype Studios. All Rights Reserved

®Amorfatype Studios

©Amorfatype Studios. All Rights Reserved

[email protected]

Legal notice

Before using this font, please carefully check the information provided under the license heading. The texts under the license heading are automatically generated from the font itself and may sometimes be incomplete. It is your responsibility to research the license information regarding the usage rights of the font you have downloaded. Protecting the intellectual property rights of font creators is of great importance; using a copyrighted and commercial font for free is illegal.

At CufonFonts, we attach great importance to intellectual property rights. If you believe that this typeface violates copyright laws and is not legal, please inform us for the removal or revision of the typeface. The legal authority of the typeface can make a request by using the "Report Violation" button above.

You can also use the links below to check the legal or commercial status of this font;

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